Are you offering remote reporting?
What is your biggest challenge?
We have remained proactive during this pandemic and focused on helping our clients to be prepared for the “new normal”. We have offered an online webinar and prepared a Remote Reporting video for our clients. The webinar sold out within 60 minutes of its public announcement. You may watch the Overview of Remote Reporting video on the MyProCAT Channel (www.youtube.com/myprocat)?
“The CAT is out of the bag,” so to speak. We believe attorneys will find the convenience of remote access compelling. We also believe the reporters enjoy the convenience of working from home and remote reporting will most likely become a partial cure for the shortage. Many States have adopted rules to allow remote reporting. Will these States go back to the old way of doing business? Most likely not — at least for the immediate future! Do you agree? Please post your comments below.
We plan to adapt our software to include more capabilities for remote reporting. Including a more robust remote scoping, CasePad.Cloud viewer, etc. Give us your feedback. How can we help you?
Bob Bakva, President