

ProCAT Introduces Winner 2016!

By |August 2nd, 2016|CaptiVision, ProCAT Winner, Winner Steno Edition, Winner Voice Edition|

It is with great pleasure that we write to inform you of our planned release of the ProCAT® Winner 2016. This software upgrade will be available free of charge to our valued clients who [...]

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ProCAT introduces the Xpression

By |July 29th, 2015|ProCAT Writers, ProCAT Xpression|

We are proud to share with you ProCAT’s contribution to advancing technology for the court reporting, Captioning, and CART industries. We have introduced numerous industry firsts for over the past three decades, but 2006, 2012, [...]

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ProCAT Introduces Winner 2015.

By |February 9th, 2015|ProCAT Winner, Winner Steno Edition, Winner Voice Edition|

ProCAT is pleased to announce the release of Winner 2015.  This upgrade reflects thousands of hours of research and development. Here is the list of the important features in Winner 2015: New automatic number conversion [...]

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ProCAT Raises the Bar, Again! ProCAT Impression is Introduced.

By |August 11th, 2012|ProCAT Impression, ProCAT Writers|

ProCAT Stylus (circa 2005) set the new standards for the Realtime Writers by incorporating never seen before features such as wireless connection (Bluetooth), internal audio recording, touch screen, adjustable color screen, and full realtime translation [...]

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ProCAT Stylus II — Smaller, Smarter, and Stylish.

By |August 1st, 2007|ProCAT Stylus, ProCAT Writers|

ProCAT introduce the new and improved ProCAT Stylus II.  Stylus II capitalized on the success of the ProCAT Stylus and added more feature such as: Wireless realtime to Attorney Workstations,  Adjustable color screen, open jobs [...]

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ProCAT Stylus — Not Just Another Writer!

By |August 1st, 2005|ProCAT Stylus, ProCAT Writers|

ProCAT Introduces Stylus -- Not Just Another Writer.  True to form, ProCAT introduces the most innovative writer ever designed by any vendor.  ProCAT Stylus is not just a writer... it is a portable realtime writer. [...]

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ProCAT Introduces Winner — The first Windows-based CAT software

By |August 1st, 1994|ProCAT History, ProCAT Winner|

August 1994, San Francisco, CA.  ProCAT proudly introduced Winner 1.0, industry's first Windows-based CAT software.  Winner was built around the Microsoft's 16-bit technology.  The first release of Winner for Windows incorporated the latest and greatest [...]

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