ProCAT Winner 2024
With great pleasure, I am writing to announce the release of Winner 2024 to our user community. This upgrade will be free ™to our valued clients on a valid support plan.  You may download Winner 2024 after 6:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2024. this release includes a range of enhancements and improvements to the existing software, plus new features to improve your
productivity. Here are some of the new features/enhancements:

  • The audio playback features now have a “bouncing ball” effect that enables comparison of the spoken word
    with the translated text.
  • A new screen capture app (DepoSnap ™) to record the audio/video or just the audio from a Zoom meeting on
    your hard drive. DepoSnap is a premium feature and it is available to our clients on a support plan. The installation kit and help
    files are available in myprocat.comm.
  • AutoIndex™ – Additional sort order for specific jurisdictions needing a particular presentation order.
  • Macro key presentation – You can now tap a key on the keyboard twice in succession to generate the key value
    (i.e., letter, digit) If the key is used as the macro toggle hotkey.
  • We have removed certain Windows 7 and 8 features that interfere with Windows 10 and 11.
  • We have added additional messages to clarify licensing conditions.
  • Certain database fields were causing the editor to malfunction.  These issues have been resolved.
  • Several PDF printing issues have been resolved.
  • Winner Voice Edition now allows the user to export the room recording to mp3 format.
  • A new automatic number conversion feature inserts commas based on the context.
  • We have added several enhancements to the license server to eliminate authentication issues.

More importantly, we are pleased to inform you that we have modified the license server to extend the authentication frequency
to allow our clients a more prolonged period between each required cloud authentication. Additionally, we now offer an
optional convenience license if you plan to use your own license on multiple computers simultaneously without the right to sublicense.

Authentication now occurs as follows:

License Type

On a Support Plan

Installed on a Single Computer

Installed on Multiple computers

Perpetual License


(previously 7)

(previously 3)




Subscription License




Convenience License
($100 per year)



Not Available
(single computer only)

* Days between a required Internet connection

The cloud license server will be updated on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6:00 a.m. PDT. We do not expect any issues with this rollout; however, our technical support team will be available to address questions during the transition. The extended authentication feature requires the use of Winner 2024. We do not recommend updating your software in the middle of an ongoing trial.

We are truly grateful for the clients who maintain their annual support plan and fund our growth.  We have created several premium features only available to our clients on a support plan.  These features include:

  • Free access to the remote edit cloud server
  • DepoSnap screen capture app
  • Discounted access to the CasePad cloud server
  • Multi-channel audio recording feature
  • Extended authentication periods (30 days instead of 7)
  • New offline licensing for secured grand jury rooms, etc.
  • Discounted registration fee at Winners’ Retreats
  • New convenience license for personal use on a second computer

Again, we thank you for your support.  We look forward to continuing to enhance our products to improve your efficiency and workflow.