We hope that you are staying safe and healthy amid the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19). We pray for all those who are at risk or affected by this pandemic.
At ProCAT, we are taking every precaution to ensure our staff’s continued availability to meet the needs of our clients.
As we plan for the rest of this year, we are taking into account a potential economic downturn and related impact on our various services. We’ve heeded the CDC recommendations by deciding to forgo the annual ProCAT Winners’ Retreat 2020. We instead plan to conduct two one-day, online seminars catered specifically to the needs of each attendee. You will receive a survey, in a few days, to request your input towards planning the 1st online Winners’ Retreat.
Additionally, we’re excited to announce the release of ProCAT CasePad.Cloud to beta testers. CasePad.Cloud may be used to perform work duties in place of the need to appear in-person to depositions and courtroom hearings.
We will be emailing you in the coming days with additional guidance, gadgets, and tricks for receiving amplified audio and possibly video connection as we continue to navigate these uncertain times together.
We appreciate your support and commitment to ProCAT.
Thank you,
B. Robert Bakva