ProCAT Stylus

The first and only writer offering the full realtime translation capability, Bluetooth option, export features, touch screen, and more. Stylus set the innovation bars for others to copy. The was the first of many new and innovative features that became available to the reporting community.

ProCAT Teams with NCRA to Promote the A-to-Z

Connecticut offers NCRA’s A to Z with help from ProCAT March 27, 2018 by NCRA Reprinted from JCR Weekly with Permission Andrea Kingsley, RPR, of Easton, Conn., first learned about NCRA’s A to Z Intro to Machine Shorthand program at the 2016 NCRA Convention & Expo in Chicago when Nancy Varallo, FAPR, RDR, CRR, [...]

By |2018-07-03T22:12:23+00:00April 2nd, 2018|Categories: News, ProCAT History, ProCAT Stylus, ProCAT Writers|Comments Off on ProCAT Teams with NCRA to Promote the A-to-Z

ProCAT Stylus II — Smaller, Smarter, and Stylish.

ProCAT introduce the new and improved ProCAT Stylus II.  Stylus II capitalized on the success of the ProCAT Stylus and added more feature such as: Wireless realtime to Attorney Workstations,  Adjustable color screen, open jobs for read-back during realtime, append to existing jobs, and more.

By |2017-01-25T01:45:17+00:00August 1st, 2007|Categories: ProCAT Stylus, ProCAT Writers|Comments Off on ProCAT Stylus II — Smaller, Smarter, and Stylish.

ProCAT Stylus — Not Just Another Writer!

ProCAT Introduces Stylus -- Not Just Another Writer.  True to form, ProCAT introduces the most innovative writer ever designed by any vendor.  ProCAT Stylus is not just a writer... it is a portable realtime writer.  Out of the gate, ProCAT Stylus offered feature never seen in any other writer.  Here are some of the features [...]

By |2017-01-25T01:45:17+00:00August 1st, 2005|Categories: ProCAT Stylus, ProCAT Writers|Comments Off on ProCAT Stylus — Not Just Another Writer!
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