Doing Realtime with your Winner Software to a Counsel Station using BinderTM is simple as 1-2-3!
First, you would go into the Realtime Preferences and make sure the
settings on the WRITER tab are correct.
This would include:
- Writer
- Port assigned to writer
- Delay between each stroke. ("5" is a good starting point for
all writers.)
Secondly, you would setup the WORKSTATION tab so it will
work with BinderTM.
This would include:
- Port assigned to counsel
- Baud Rate should be set to "2400"
- Parity="None"
- Stop Bits="1"
- Data Bits="8"
- Workstation Protocol should be set to
"CaseViewTM by Stenograph®"
- Click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the window
The last step would be to just click on the "Connect"
button. By default the BinderTM software
will automatically detect the COM Port on the workstation computer. There
should not be a need to configure anything there.