

Keyboard commands in realtime:

Keyboard commands are bracket commands that tell the software to do a certain function from the steno machine.  Following is an example:
Reporter would like to page up for read-back in realtime directly from the
steno machine, and then do a control+page-down to continue scrolling.

Personal Dictionary Entry:

Steno:  Whatever stroke you choose (I use sao for example)
English:  [K:pgup]

Each time you hit that steno stroke, it will page up.

Steno:  Whatever you assign (I use pao for example)
English:  [K:ctl+pgdn]

If you have been editing during a recess or pause, and they start talking
again and you don't have time to do control+page-down on the computer, simply hit your stroke for the above at any time and it will pop you back to the bottom and continue scrolling.

Keyboard commands have many uses.  For example, you can attach macros that you create for things you encounter during realtime and attach them to keyboard commands.  The possibilities are unlimited.  Try the ones above this week and let me know if there is something you do not understand.  For more entries on keyboard commands, please be sure and consult your Winner 2000 manual.